The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Scholarship is a onetime gift for deserving graduating high school seniors that are furthering their education through a junior college, four-year college, university or trade school. This opportunity is open to graduating high school seniors that are members of churches that are affiliated with the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of the Greater Pasadena Area or are members of a church in the Greater Pasadena Area (Pasadena, South Pasadena, Altadena and Sierra Madre).
All applicants must satisfy the following guidelines:
1. Submit a completed scholarship application that is typed or legibly printed.
1. Be a member of a church that is affiliated with the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of the Greater Pasadena Area or are members of a church in the Greater Pasadena Area.
2. Be a graduating high school senior the year for the class of 2022.
3. Have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0.
4. Have participated in extracurricular or community activities that include church, after school and community activities.
Submit an official copy of high school transcript.
Submit a letter of recommendation from each of the following:
Church leader (Pastor, Minister, Church School Superintendent/Instructor)
High school counselor or teacher
Community Member
7. Submit a short autobiography in essay form that is at least 200 words. Include the following information:
a. Describe your goals.
b. Describe how your extracurricular activities developed you for the future they desire.
c. Describe what you contributed to your community, church or school.
d. Who was the most instrumental person in encouraging you to attend college or trade school and why?
8. The application deadline is June 15, 2022. You can either email the packet to with IMA Scholarship Committee in the subject line or mail the packet to Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Greater Pasadena, P.O. Box 91446 Pasadena, CA 91109-1446, Attention: “IMA Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Committee.
9. If selected for a scholarship, the applicant must provide proof of enrollment in a trade/technical school, community college, university or four-year college before scholarship check will be released. If proof of enrollment is not received by October 31, 2022, the scholarship will be forfeited. Proof of enrollment can be mailed to Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Greater Pasadena, P.O. Box 91446 Pasadena, CA 91109-1446, Attention: “IMA Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Committee” or emailed to with “IMA Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Committee” and your name in the subject line.
Date of Birth:
Email Address:
Name of Alternate Contact Person (i.e., Mother, Father, Guardian, etc.):
Alternate Contact Phone Number and Email Address:
Are you a practicing Christian: Yes No
If yes, answer the next three questions:
Where is your local church membership? ______________________________________
What is your Pastor’s name? ________________________________________________
What was your recent church participation?
Youth Fellowship Choir Usher Church School
Bible Study Training Union
Other __________________________________________________
Who are the persons living in your household?
Father Mother Brothers (Number ___)
Sisters (Number ___) Others _________________________
What high school are you attending? _______________________________________________
What is your GPA? _______________________________________________________
In what school activities did you participate? ___________________________________
Do you plan to attend a college or trade school? Yes No
If yes, where? ____________________________________________________________
Planned major/certificate:
Are you expecting other scholarship support? Yes No
If yes, what is/are the source(s)? _____________________________________________
What are your career goals? ______________________________________________________